Order and overview at every stage of the project
At Plus Arkitektur, they can assess the progress of their projects in mere seconds, without having to inquire with every employee about their workload from the previous week.

Needed a reliable program for project planning
Established in 2006, Plus Arkitektur has offices in Fredrikstad and Oslo. With 13 employees, they focus on a broad project portfolio, with expertise in urban planning, interior design, and architecture.
General Manager, Arthur Nygaard, shares insight into a forward-thinking firm where long-term goals and stable tools play a crucial role:
“We constantly think about where we want to be in three years and in ten years. To get there, we need great tools and reliable software.”
Plus Arkitektur uses the software Moment from Milient. Moment was recently renamed Project Flow, but in this reference story, it is referred to as Moment.
Milient made it easier to establish themselves as a new business
Plus Arkitektur has used Moment from Milient since the company was founded. For them, it was an easy decision to choose a system tailored to architects' workflows:
“We never needed to create custom Excel sheets or get lost in complex systems. Moment made starting up a business much easier, with integrated features for projects, time tracking, invoicing, and client lists.”
The system’s user-friendliness is something Arthur often highlights when discussing Moment:
“Moment, in itself, motivates usage because it’s so intuitively structured. We’ve been using it for many years, and even new hires haven’t complained. In fact, there’s often curiosity about how we can use it even better.”
Clear project management and resource planning
Plus Arkitektur actively uses Moment to create projects, set pricing models, define team roles, track hours, and plan resources. For larger projects, resource planning is critical:
“Large projects with big clients can be overwhelming to plan without a good tool. Milient gives us an overview and the ability to make adjustments along the way.”
Arthur emphasizes the benefits of detailed project tracking:
“You can break projects into different activities that can be invoiced separately. Some clients prefer that level of detail in their invoicing. And when we have projects with multiple clients, we can set up structures to ensure each client is billed correctly.”
Track financial progress in seconds
The reporting features in Moment have become a vital management tool for Plus Arkitektur, both internally and in board meetings:
“During projects, we can easily see how the company is performing overall in terms of production. Based on experience, we know how much we should produce each week, making it easy for me to report progress to the board as an update.”
In recent years, the market has become tougher for everyone in the architecture industry, making it even more crucial to have a solid tool for monitoring operations week by week:
“We create an activity plan to follow as best as we can, but I can’t just go around at the end of the week asking employees if they’ve had enough to do. With Moment, I can measure our financial status in seconds.”
The system also simplifies quarterly and annual reporting:
“When the auditor asks for project reports or total invoicing for a quarter, it’s easy for me to generate them. The user-friendly interface in Moment makes it happen in no time.”
And if the auditor needs more detailed insights, it’s no issue:
“If the auditor wants more access, we let them dive into the program and find what they need. It saves us a lot of time,” Arthur explains.
Stability and future possibilities
A recurring theme in Arthur’s assessment of Milient is the system’s stability:
“There’s never any downtime or frustration with its use. The program is intuitive and guarantees ‘order and clarity.’”
Looking ahead, Arthur plans to utilize the visual graphs available in Moment for administrative tasks:
“It would be valuable to visually show employees this data instead of just explaining it. For instance, we could present revenue trends, last quarter’s sick leave, or average hourly rates.”
By fine-tuning their use of Moment, Arthur believes he’ll gain even more energy from using the program.
3 benefits of Moment highlighted by Arthur:
- Stability: Never any downtime or frustrations.
- Comprehensive solution: Moment covers all our needs, and we can rely on it.
- Intuitive and organized: The program is intuitive and ensures ‘order and clarity.’

Arthur Nygaard
CEO | Plus Arkitektur
About Plus Arkitektur
PLUS ARKITEKTUR was founded in 2006 and has experienced positive and exciting growth since then. They are based in Fredrikstad and Oslo, working on projects for both private and public clients. Their project portfolio includes the development of buildings in various residential typologies, culture, kindergartens, care facilities, schools, commercial spaces, offices, and bicycle hotels.
Read more about Plus Arkitektur (external link)

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Gain complete control over your projects and resources with a comprehensive project management tool. Project management, time tracking, resource management, and invoicing—all in one system.