
Transforming Project Management

Join 3DReid with real-time progress tracking, improved auditing processes, and enhanced compliance thanks to Flo10, a Milient solution.

The challenge

3DReid use Flo10, which is part of Milient.

Prior to Flo10, 3DReid depended on traditional methods such as word files and individual Project Quality Plans (PQP) to track project documents and key deliverables. However, this lacked the required capabilities and desired level of engagement. The previous system was relied upon largely for retrospective audit rather than continuous adherence with the Quality Management System or wider Business Management System.

Gordon Anderson, Associate Director, recalls the unnecessary time and effort required to manually check each folder to see whether the necessary project information had been stored correctly.

The solution: Project Tracker

Understanding the need for a more efficient and user-friendly project management solution, 3DReid implemented project tracker. Flo10 offered a more user-friendly interface and streamlined functionality compared to the previous document-based PQP.

The key benefits of the tracker included the ability to track project progress in real-time, monitor individual contributions, and ensure compliance with the required project standards.

“Flo10 is user friendly and makes it easier to find project documents. We are optimistic that Tracker will help ensure consistent project processes across the practice and encourage colleagues to complete key tasks” - Gordon Anderson, Associate Director

The benefits

The adoption of Flo10 has delivered significant project management processes improvements at 3DReid including:

  • User-friendly interface
  • Real-time project progress tracking
  • Monitor individual contributions
  • Ensure compliance with project quality standards

Team members now have a clearer overview of project status, allowing for improved decision-making and resource allocation. Moreover, the tracker facilitated auditing processes, aligning with ISO 9001 standards.

External auditors are impressed and encouraged by the implementation of project tracker, and there is a general excitement to review the out-puts at the next audit
- Thelma Mannion, Associate

Thelma Mannion, Associate, explains how external auditors have been impressed with Flo10 for project quality and compliance.

The auditing process has been improved by eliminating the need to scramble for incomplete documentation. Scheduling and reporting against key tasks has not only made auditing easier, but we can now evaluate all projects across each office more effectively. 3DReid has achieved greater efficiency, transparency, and compliance.

By working collaboratively with the Flo10 team, 3DReid confirm the process of implementing the Project Tracker was relatively straightforward, and the transition process smooth.

Flo10 is more efficient, enhancing our Quality Management systems and providing a single resource location, which is particularly helpful for audits.

Gordon Anderson
Associate Director | 3DReid

About 3DReid

3DReid is an award-winning architectural, interior, and masterplanning design practice. The creative team comprises of over 120 people working across five UK studios, with cross-sector experience including aviation, culture & community, education, hospitality, industry & technology, residential, retail & leisure, workplace and urban regeneration projects.

3DReid is proud of its track record, from concept to delivery, and believes that the best design comes from a culture of collaboration and sharing ideas. The practice works hard to create built environments that look to the future and are truly sustainable.

As a result, 3DReid sought to improve its efficiency and project management processes in partnership with Flo 10.


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Read what other users think about Milient

Leonard Design Architects
Our team refer to Flo10 to locate quality knowledge and best practice guidance.
Catherine picture-1
Niche Design Architects
We decided to adopt Moment because we previously faced challenges with planning resources.
Michael Laird Architects
Flo10 (by Milient) brings everything together in a more effective way.