Resource management

Make sure you have the right people on the right projects

With a smart tool for resource management, you get a capacity overview and can ensure the efficient use of your resources.

Smart system for resource management

Do you have a good overview of the capacity available for your upcoming projects?

An effective resource management tool is essential when planning new projects. How many hours can you spend on the project, and in which weeks and phases should the resources be distributed? You can work smarter with this in Milient's tool for resource planning.

  • Get an overview of the resources filtered by competence, competence level and location
  • Smart calculation of the hours used in the projects
  • Overview of the capacity in the company
  • Reduce double work and idle time
  • See who is working on which projects
  • Full control over holidays, overtime, time off and absences

Filter the resource overview by competence, competence level and location

You can easily see which skills are available and thereby plan ahead of time. You can also go even deeper in the scheduling and plan for what you want: level of competence, location or seniority, for example.

Create your own tags to get an overview of the capacity in a group of employees, e.g. IT engineers, UX designers, landscape architects or junior consultants.

Get a sneak peek of the resource management feature:

Would you like to see how resource planning in Milient works in practice? We are happy to show you around!


“Milient succeeds in doing what others claim to be impossible.”

When Snøhetta was looking for a new project management tool, Milient was an easy choice. 

Børge Øverland
CFO | Snøhetta

Compare the estimates with actual resource use

As the project progresses, the team can see updated information on the recorded hours compared to what was planned. Resource management increases budget awareness and provides a safety net for project managers.

Competence overview across the business

In Milient's resource planning tool, you get an overview of the expertise available across the company. You can filter the resources according to the needs you have when planning.

Milient's many features

Do you work with projects, hours and resources? If so, you may have also felt the feeling of not having full control in the same system. In Milient, you can collect all the features in one place.

Project management

Tailor Milient to fit your projects exactly. You get full control and an overview with all information in one place.

Resource planning

Which consultants are available for assignments, and do you have the right expertise in the right place? With resource planning, you get a full capacity overview.

Quality assurance

Make quality assurance a natural part of the work with non-conformity management and checklists closely integrated into the projects.


Flexible timekeeping adapted to the activities and projects you work in. You get a full overview of time use – with the automatic calculation of the overtime balance, of course.

Travel & Expenses

Have you had expenses on your trips for work? All employees can easily register travel expenses in Milient. Take pictures with your mobile phone and upload them to your inbox.


Timekeeping is easily transferred to invoicing. You always see how much you have invoiced and what remains in your budgets.

Task management

With detailed projects, you need good tools to handle the tasks. The task board in Milient makes the job a breeze.


Ready-made templates allow you to efficiently create offers. Once the customer has accepted, you can create the project with a few keystrokes.

Holidays and absences

Milient helps you keep track of all employees' holidays and absences. Each employee can easily enter their absences, which makes it easier to plan for future capacity. 

Spend less time on administration and free up more time for everything else.