Calling all architects!

Are Your Projects Under Control?

Losing track of your projects' progress has caused sleepless nights for many an architect. With Milient, you can gather all operational tools in one system. This makes keeping track of your project a lot easier!

Our users tell us they save several days of work each month!

With Milient, you know that the projects are on track

You know better than anyone that managing a project can be difficult. There are deadlines to meet, budgets to balance and many moving parts to keep track of. And when things don't go according to plan, it can be hard to sleep at night.

With the right project tools, you can take control of your project and rest easy knowing that everything is moving in the right direction.


System developed specifically for architectural projects

Milient is a project management system specially designed for architects, with all the features you need to stay organized, communicate with your team and track your progress in real-time.

With Milient, you get all operational tools in the same system:

  • Quotations
  • Time management
  • Resource planning
  • Quality assurance
  • Billing
  • Travel bills and expenses
  • Mobile app

You get all the answers you need in one place, and don't have to check in several different systems. To put it simply: Spend less time on administration!

"Our employees find Milient user-friendly. The system covers our needs for timekeeping, planning, project management and quality assurance in a good way."

Børge Øverland

CFO | Snøhetta Architects 

Do you want to know more about how Milient can be used for your project workflow? Book a meeting with us!

Free guide for architects

Improve the profitability of your projects

Most architects strive to improve the profitability of their projects. At least that's what we've heard!

Therefore, we have collected the best advice for profitability, taken from the experience of the 400,000 projects that have been managed in our project systems.