Scrum vs Kanban: Choosing the Right Methodology for Your Project

Are you torn between Scrum and Kanban as project management methodologies? In this article, we'll explore the benefits of these two agile approaches, commonly known as Scrum and Kanban, to help you make an informed decision. Whether you're seeking flexibility or a structured framework, understanding the advantages of each method will guide you towards selecting the most suitable approach for your project.


The Kanban Method: Embracing Continuous Flow for Project Work

Kanban offers a dynamic and flexible project model, focusing on continuous flow rather than time-constrained periods like Scrum. Central to Kanban is the Kanban board, which visually represents the entire workflow. Divided into columns, the board showcases the project's various stages, enabling the entire team to access and monitor the project's progress effortlessly.

Read this blog post for a comprehensive explanation of Kanban and to view an example Kanban board setup.

Advantages of Kanban:

  • Flexibility: Customize the workflow to align with your team's work style.
  • Visualized Workflow: The Kanban board provides a clear visual overview of the project's progress. Easily identify task accumulation and pinpoint bottlenecks.
  • Continuous Flow: Kanban promotes a steady stream of deliveries by maintaining a constant work rhythm.

Scrum Method: Structured Work with Well-Defined Goals

In Scrum, project work is organized into fixed-length intervals called sprints. Typically lasting between one to four weeks, each sprint sets specific goals and tasks to be accomplished. The Scrum process includes planning meetings, daily progress meetings, sprint reviews, and retrospectives.

Advantages of Scrum:

  • Clear Structure and Timeframe: Scrum provides predictability through a well-defined framework and predetermined time frames.
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Scrum emphasizes teamwork, leveraging diverse roles and expertise to achieve project goals collectively.
  • Adaptability: With defined work periods, Scrum enables periodic evaluations and adjustments based on feedback, market trends, and emerging needs.
  • Transparency: The entire team remains updated on the project's progress through clear task lists within each sprint.Tydelig struktur og tidsramme gir forutsigbarhet.

Scrum vs Kanban

Determining the Right Methodology: Scrum or Kanban?

Several factors come into play when choosing a project method: the industry you are in, the type of project, and the number of people working in the team.

Many or few adjustments during the project?

If there are many adjustments during the project, Kanban may be the right project method. Kanban is the most flexible method for making changes because it works in a continuous workflow with frequent feedback.

Are the requirements of the project fixed? For projects where the requirements are set and you work with a given deadline, Scrum may be a better fit.

Impact of team composition on the choice of project method:

Do you have a small team where tasks are shared? In Kanban, everyone has an overview of the project flow and can contribute where needed.

Do you have a large team with clearly defined responsibilities? Scrum provides a good structure where everyone has defined responsibilities for their tasks.

Use of Scrum and Kanban in different organizational cultures:

To start working according to the Scrum method in projects, it is important to have an organization that is open to change. The Scrum method requires the organization to change their ways and be willing to work according to a clearly structured project methodology.

If you are transitioning from traditional project methods to agile project methods, Kanban is the easiest to adapt to, as it is more similar to traditional project methodologies.


Do you have any questions about how to improve the workflow and visibility in your projects? We are happy to show you examples of good project setups. Book a meeting with us for a chat.

See how others in your industry are using Milient to improve project flow:

Milient has been created so that you who work on a project basis will have full control over your projects: All the way from offers to money in your account. We are happy to show you how Milient is used by others in your industry. Book a meeting with us:

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